Iâm off to Miami today for a short mini-vacation that actually has nothing to do with books (other than Iâll be reading them), so just a quick post today. I had a couple of people ask me yesterday how Appleâs iPad will affect porn, or vice-versa. I donât think itâll have any effect whatsoever either way, an assessment the folks over at Fleshbot, a porn blog that you probably donât want to open at work, agree with (thanks to the lovely Dan Howe for the pointer).
As Fleshbot puts it, the iPad - which Apple is trying to position as a device in between a laptop and a smartphone - is actually “the worst of both worlds.” Not only is Apple absolutely dictating what you can put on it by forcing you to buy content from iTunes, where porn is not allowed, it also doesnât have a DVD drive so you canât watch your smut that way. Worse still, as I mentioned yesterday, the iPad doesnât handle Flash, which is the format most web video, including lots of porn, is done in.
Fleshbot also points out another reason why the iPad is a poor choice for porn - itâs too big. No one will believe you if you claim youâre taking it to the bathroom for some “reading,” and thereâs also no way youâll be able to… uh… hold it with one hand.
Some of this may sound silly but thereâs a very serious point to be made here: itâs not a good sign if the porn industry doesnât like your technology.
Of course, that didnât stop some porn companies from hopping on the Apple bandwagon. Just as soon as Apple announced the iPad on Wednesday, my inbox starting filling up with press releases from companies of all stripes claiming their content is optimized for the device. One of the culprits was Digital Playground (the same folks with whom I dined in Las Vegas), who claimed:
As a member of the Apple Developer program for the last decade and specifically the iPhone developer program since its inception, all Digital Playground iproperties automatically sense whether or not the user is using an iPhone, iTouch, or iPad and customize the experience on the fly. Digital Playground users who purchase an iPad will note the seamless integration between the desktop, laptop, iPhone and iPad.
Thereâs actually a couple of problems with that. I suspect Digital Playground is exaggerating (something that never happens in the porn industry, oh no) its involvement with Appleâs developer program. If the above is to be believed, where is DPâs iPhone app? As Leon Phelps said in The Ladies Man, “I would pick you up in my car except that it, uh, does not exist.”
Secondly, Iâm not sure that anyone but Appleâs highly valued partners - like the New York Times, Major League Baseball and book publishers named in its press conference - can claim to know how the iPad works, and how their content will display on it, at this point. I suspect porn companies are pretty low on Appleâs food chain, so thereâs no real way to know how their content will display on the device until itâs released in March. Connoisseurs should beware claims to the contrary.
Thank the stars itâs Thursday because that means the iPad frenzy is over. My quick thoughts on Appleâs latest gadget: Iâm thoroughly underwhelmed. Yes itâs snazzy and yes it does a lot of things well, but thereâs a bunch of things it doesnât do - or that other things already do admirably - that really have me questioning how the iPad can be useful.
The iPhone already does just about everything the iPad does. The iPad has a bigger screen, which makes watching movies and looking at photos and websites even better, but thatâs about where the advantages end. It has no camera and, like the iPhone, it apparently canât handle Flash, the format that many websites and videos use. This isnât such a big deal on the iPhone, but on a bigger screen you expect websites to have full functionality.
Also like the iPhone, the iPad uses a virtual touch-screen keyboard. While itâs nice to have one thatâs bigger than the iPhoneâs, I imagine typing anything more than a few lines on the iPad will be just as painful. Donât believe me? Try typing for a while without resting your palms on the keyboard and youâll see what I mean. Apple will be rolling out iWork apps (Pages and Numbers, etc.) with the iPad, but this software - especially Pages - will be hampered by the virtual keyboard. Steve Jobs did promise a physical keyboard attachment, but if you need a portable device that you can type on, a netbook is a much better - and cheaper - way to go.
Donât even get me started on how useful or desirable the full 3G-enabled iPad will be here in Canada. Once we start talking about data rates here, all bets are off.
Thereâs going to be tons of disagreement out there between the Apple faithful and the regular Joes (Iâd say PC supporters, but are there any of you left?) over whether this is a hit product, or a miss. I have a Mac and an iPhone and love both dearly, but the iPad at this point looks inferior to just about any netbook Iâve tried. Netbooks also look like theyâre going to improve significantly later this year, when versions running Googleâs Chrome operating system become available.
Mind you, the very first iPhone had a serious flaw - no 3G connectivity - that was quickly corrected. The rest, as they say, is history. Of course, the iPad could equally end up being a quickly forgotten Apple product… Apple TV, anyone?
And before we forget that this is a blog devoted to books in general, and a certain book in specific, Iâd be remiss if I didnât mention the iPadâs book capability. Jobs also announced a service called iBooks, which is basically a repackaging of the e-books already being sold over iTunes. Yes, the e-books look pretty good on the iPad and yes, they are in the open e-book format - which will read on any device - and yes, it will give single-purpose devices such as Amazonâs Kindle a run for their money. But, unlike Amazon, Apple doesnât appear to be encouraging any sort of self-publishing ventures.
As I mentioned the other day, the thing I like about what Amazon is doing is that itâs letting any would-be author publish via the Kindle. Appleâs iBooks service is being done in conjunction with major publishers, including Penguin and HarperCollins et al. Apple has also amassed quite the reputation for being very strict and closed about its iPhone app approval process. Put those two together and it doesnât look like the iPad will be any sort of friend to authors looking to publish independently, which is unfortunate given the expectations that this device would change the game in many ways.
With this blog almost a year old, I thought it might be fun to take a look at some stats. More specifically, Iâm curious as to where exactly in the world are people coming from to read my daily musings/inane rantings? Well, the top five countries arenât terribly surprising, as just about all of them represent the worldâs most populous English-speaking nations:
1. United States
2. Canada
3. United Kingdom
4. India
5. Germany
Iâm not really sure why Germany beats out Australia, which ranks seventh (after Turkey). Maybe itâs because Germans are really into porn? That is, after all, how most people end up here when using search engines.
Speaking of Google, itâs thanks to the companyâs fantastic Analytics tool that bloggers can look at all at these stats. What I find most interesting is the map that displays where traffic is coming from. Iâm pleased to report that at least one person in almost every country in the world has viewed this blog over the past 11 months.
The exceptions are: Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Bolivia, Paraguay, Honduras, Cuba, Haiti, Greenland, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, North Korea, Burma, Laos and a bunch of African countries. None of those, with the possible exception of Serbia, should be any surprise. Most either have very little computer and internet infrastructure, are incredibly oppressive regimes or have nobody living there.
I think thatâs pretty cool. A handful of people in Iraq have read this website and even one lone soul has checked it out from Afghanistan. I wonder if it was Osama Bin Laden? Behold the power of the internet!
Youâll have to excuse this post as my mind is thinking internationally. I recently got some further good news regarding Sex, Bombs and Burgers and international distribution. The iâs havenât been dotted yet and the tâs havenât been crossed, so I canât share any further details yet, but stay tuned.
The breakfast war: itâs on. Oh yes, itâs on. Yesterday, Tim Hortons fired the latest salvo with its new Egg McMuffin… er… English Muffin sandwich. As you can see from the picture, itâs the spitting image of McDonaldâs famous breakfast sandwich. I canât comment on how it tastes because I personally find the Egg McMuffin disgusting. I suspect Timmyâs version, which I hope to never have to try, will be pretty similar.
Tim Hortons, which is about as Canadian as tundra, began selling its version of the McMuffin on Monday for $1.99. As the Financial Post reports, Timmyâs is leading the breakfast sandwich pack with about 51 per cent of the market, all of which comes from its biscuit and bagel options.
The muffin sandwich, however, is the healthiest of all the choices. By way of comparison, the muffin sandwich with egg, cheese and sausage packs 410 calories, 23 grams of salt and 890 milligrams of sodium. The same sandwich on a biscuit has 520 calories, 33 grams of fat and 950 milligrams of sodium.
The ball is now in McDonaldâs court. Maybe now we can figure out why the company is charging nearly $3 for the exact same sandwich. That amount, by the way, is nearly double what Americans pay for a Sausage McMuffin.
Iâve said it before and Iâll say it again: McDonaldâs Canada is almost as bad as the cellphone industry in terms of hosing its customers. For those who actually like these sandwiches, letâs hope this war gets a lot more heated.
All eyes will be on Apple this week as the company is set to unveil its latest gadget, which pretty much everyone expects will be a touchscreen tablet computer of some sort. For months now, the iSlate or iPad, or whatever itâs going to be called, has been the subject of intense speculation by technology reporters and bloggers. Every last detail, from its technical specifications to price tag, has been guessed at. Itâs gotten to the point of ridiculousness, where even normally quality media have joined in on the guessing game. PC World, for example, ran an article over the weekend with the headline “Apple Tablet an Ideal Business Tool.” Thatâs a pretty bold statement to make about a product that doesnât exist yet.
Much of the hype arises from Appleâs track record. The company did, after all, revolutionize music with the iPod and wireless internet with the iPhone. It also stems from the companyâs utter secrecy when it comes to new products; by remaining absolutely quiet about them until they launch, Apple has created an entire ecosystem of hype that is fed by everyone from financial analysts to bloggers. As a result, the company barely has to promote its own products since these people do it for them.
Nevertheless, one of the other reasons why the Apple tablet is creating such a buzz is that some people are hoping it can do for publishing what the iPod did for music - that is, reinvent the market and haul it into the digital age.
The movement is already well underway. Amazon.com has so far been the leader in the so-called e-reader market with the Kindle, a nifty device that simulates the look and feel of a book with its “e-ink” technology. Amazon touted the Kindle as its hottest-selling item during the Christmas holidays, while the forecasts continue to pour in on how electronic book sales are supposed to skyrocket. E-readers were understandably all the rage at this yearâs Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, with a number of companies promising their own models. Apple, of course, could clobber them all with its announcement on Wednesday.
But are e-books ready for prime time? Itâs something Iâve been thinking about for some time now, from the perspective of both a writer and a reader, and I must admit to mixed feelings about the issue.
For authors, e-books present an incredible opportunity, and there is indeed major change coming in how books are published. Under the old system, a prospective author would pitch his or her book to editors at various publishing houses in the hopes that someone would go for it. If the author was lucky, he or she would score a deal and the publisher would sell printed copies of the book through bookstores or online through Amazon, Chapters and the like. The author would earn an upfront advance and then a small percentage - usually something like 10 or 15 per cent - from the sale of each copy. The publisher and the seller would split the remaining 85 to 90 per cent. Overall, while the author could still earn a handsome amount if the book sold well, he or she got comparatively little of the overall pie.
The new system that is emerging is giving authors considerably more power - and more potential reward. Now, pretty much anyone who can string two words together can sell an e-book through Amazon, for delivery to the companyâs Kindle e-reader. If youâve got that great unpublished novel sitting around on your hard drive, nowâs your chance - Amazonâs Digital Text Platform can deliver your book to a growing audience of Kindle-equipped readers.
And itâs getting better. Just last week, in preparation for Appleâs tablet, Amazon revised the terms of how people can do this and boosted the earnings they can get up to 70 per cent of the retail price, which the author gets to set. Not only does this system empower every would-be author out there - and there must be thousands if not millions of unpublished books in just the English-speaking world - it also gives them the potential to earn some serious money. Iâve done the math; if I self-published my e-book on Amazon for just $5, I would earn more money per copy than under my current publishing deals.
But who will buy these e-books? After all, the New York Times reports that many of the Kindleâs best-sellers are those books that are given away for free. Well, thatâs true - nothing sells quite like free. But this is again where the system is changing. Under the old regime, book publishers used their hefty portion of the cover price to promote the book. They had contacts with people in the old media - television, radio, newspapers - who they could rely on for promotion. They could also send authors on tour to do book signings, readings, lectures and so forth. All of this would translate into awareness of the book, and therefore hopefully into sales.
The new system puts the onus of promotion squarely on the author, which opens up a world of possibilities. A couple of buzzwords (which I am growing increasingly loathsome of) come into play here: social media and crowdsourcing. You donât have to be a marketing wizard to spread the word about your self-published e-book using social media tools such as a blog (like this one), Facebook and Twitter. Aside from interacting with people on those sites and spreading the word personally, if youâre willing to spend a few bucks, Google and Facebook have made it ridiculously easy to run ads on their respective services (Iâm running ads for Sex, Bombs and Burgers on both right now).
Word of mouth - or word of email/text - is also quite powerful online. There have been countless examples of things that have gone viral on the internet and there is always the possibility that it can happen to your book. One good example that comes to mind is Chicago band OK Go. Theyâd been around for a while but only hit it big in 2006 after uploading a video to YouTube for Here It Goes Again, which featured the band in an elaborate dance routine on treadmills. The video became a huge hit on the site and the bandâs popularity exploded. The same is going to be possible for books, especially after websites devoted exclusively to self-published books (YouRead?) inevitably take off.
So where does this leave old-guard publishers? Well, if you add up all of the above, it doesnât sound good for them. If the internet, Amazon and e-readers all conspire to cut them out of the equation, the future doesnât look too bright for publishers, does it? Perhaps - but thatâs where the reader experience comes into play.
Iâve had a chance to play around with both Amazonâs Kindle and Sonyâs Reader, and Iâve read full books on both. To be honest, itâs not an experience Iâm fully sold on yet. The e-ink displays are nice, but they still give off glare in brightly lit areas. And, at the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, plain old books never run out of batteries (both readers died on me at key times). Iâm also somewhat old school in that I like collecting shelves of books; when I glance at them, they take me back to a certain time and place. Digital books, for all their portability and convenience, offer no such nostalgia.
Mind you, the same could be said about CDs. I used to like looking at them on my racks - each album reminded me of a certain feeling or experience. But now, theyâre just a pain to move and keep free from dust. I get just about all of my music digitally now, with CD purchases reserved only for those very special bands whose packaging I must have (cough Tool cough).
Iâm not sure about how the mass market will react to e-books, but I think Iâm going to treat them the same way I do music. For the really good stuff, Iâm still going to buy the physical printed version. For the time-wasting, beach-reading fluff (cough Dan Brown cough), Iâll buy the cheaper e-book. That way, if the book sucks, I wonât have to be reminded of the time I wasted reading it whenever I look at my shelf.
I suspect thereâs a lot of old-school readers out there who will want to stick with printed books for the same reasons. Just like the internet hasnât (yet) killed off newspapers and magazines, I suspect thereâll still be room for the printed page for years to come. The other problem is that with the flood of self-published e-books that will surely come, itâs going to become much more difficult to get your particular book noticed, which is where the old guardâs promotional system still holds some appeal.
One thing is for sure, though: book publishers are going to have to adjust to the new reality and are going to have to do more for authors - especially the established ones - to keep them from going the potentially more-lucrative self-publishing route.
UPDATE: Damian Kulash of OK Go recently posted an open letter about how YouTube and his record label, EMI, were not allowing the band to put videos up on the site that can be embedded. The problem is that YouTubeâs software doesnât allow ads to play over the video when it is embedded on non-YouTube sites. This is super-ironic given how the band rose to prominence.
Alright, off to bed. Hopefully I'll be less sick tomorrow. Or I could turn into an alpha patient from Contagion 16 hours ago
@mark_goldberg @mediamorphis If there's 1 thing I hope we have 5 years from now, its at least 1 challenger carrier who doesn't follow others 16 hours ago
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