London Olympics logo - is it child porn?

30 Nov

We begin this week with a touch of the bizarre. While we Canadians get ready for our Olympics in a few months, the Brits look like they’ve got their hands full with their own games, which are still two years away. It seems the games’ logo is causing quite a stir. Have a good look at the image at right.

Okay, now what was the first thing you thought of? If your answer was “child porn,” give yourself a gold star!

Yes, it’s true. The London Olympics logo, which I think is admittedly a little strange, has already taken its share of criticism, but now some people are saying it’s child porn. To be more specific, they’re saying it looks like Lisa Simpson performing oral sex.

Here’s a Facebook group with more than 250,000 members (as of Sunday night) who seem to agree. The group has also taken the liberty of colouring the logo to make it more explicit. Adult entertainment news site Xbiz is citing some unnamed critics who say the logo may violate U.K. child porn laws, and that a formal complaint is sure to come.

Funny or outright ridiculous? I can’t decide…

By the way, the logo is supposed to depict “2012.” I’ll be damned if I saw it.

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1 Comment

Posted by on November 30, 2009 in britain, sex


One response to “London Olympics logo - is it child porn?

  1. Tyciol

    May 16, 2010 at 3:17 pm

    I look at Simpsons pr0n all the time and that didn’t come to mind at all… but once people point it out I can see it. I think this is one of those ‘satan is in the trade tower smoke’ issues.


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