Home > food, Burger King > Burger King brings poutine to Brazil

Burger King brings poutine to Brazil

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a story related to poutine - that famous French Canadian creation that involves smothering fries with gravy and cheese curds.

Much to my surprise, I came across a similar Brazilian creation, at Burger King no less. The Trio Supremo, pictured below, features chicken nuggets and onion rings with a main serving of fries drenched in cheese and bacon. According to the handy-dandy Google translation of the main page, all BK restaurants in Brazil are serving this lovely concoction as of June.

Ironically, while researching my story I found that Burger King is the biggest seller of poutine in Canada, according to the NPD Group consumer tracking firm. So has the Brazilian operation just adopted the hottest thing in Canadian food since the Nanaimo bar? Who knows, but looking at the picture is sure making me hungry.

Categories: food, Burger King
  1. karmatose
    October 14, 2011 at 12:23 pm | #1

    This looked pretty tasty so i decided to have one for lunch… Quite salty, but delicious.


  2. Marc Venot
    October 14, 2011 at 9:15 pm | #2

    Since december 2010 the majority of Burger King’s capital belongs do a Brazilian group of investors, named 3G Capital.

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